Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bookmarking Demon Reviw

Bookmarking Demon Review

What is Bookmarking Demon?

Bookmarking Demon is none other than social bookmarking software which helps build backlinks to your website. Backlinks are the number one factor when it comes to ranking in the search engines, and as everyone knows search engines are the best way to get free, targeted traffic to your website.
Of course, if you don't use Bookmarking Demon, you could always:
  • Search online for manual link building techniques
  • Register on internet marketing forums, hoping to find people who you can pay to do the work
  • If you don't find anyone, or can't afford it, you have to do all the work yourself
  • Sit and hope that the techniques you read about actually work

What will Bookmarking Demon do for you:
  • Skyrocket your inbound links and traffic in a matter of days, not weeks or months like conventional traffic methods.
  • You only have to enter your information once and it automatically creates accounts at the top bookmarking sites for you.
  • Sits on your Windows computer and submits your links automatically to over 20 of the top social bookmarking sites on the web.
  • Saves you hundreds of hours by ticking away automatically in the background while you do other things or spend time on things you enjoy the most
  • Helps you to increase your Adsense income, affiliate commissions and sell more products!
  • The software is updated frequently to keep your copy of bookmarking demon current so it will always work perfectly, no matter how many times the social bookmarking sites change their rules.
  • Submits your sites and links at random times so you never get banned for spamming.

Do They Update Bookmarking Demon?

I can safely say that Bookmarking Demon is one of those rare purchases that is updated very regularly, I first purchased the software back in May of 2007 as shown in the screenshot below:

And even almost two years later I'm still receiving regular updates about the product:

Does Bookmarking Demon Actually Work?

As shown in the screenshots above, I've used Bookmarking Demon for over 2 years now. There's no way that without this tool I would be able to make a full-time income online and work from home, which I now do. Actually, I'm sure I could have, but it would have taken a lot longer. Bookmarking Demon has become an indispensible tool in my link building arsenal and helps me get new sites ranking very quickly.

Just look at the earnings I was able to generate in one month with a brand new website that was literally days old, using nothing but links from Bookmarking Demon:

Note that all the earnings this site made were generated by search engine traffic, which the links from Bookmarking Demon were able to give me!

Who is it for: Anybody looking to Increase Targeted Traffic to their websites, to increase their Affiliate Commissions, Product Sales even your Adsense Income

Who is it Not for: Person who does not have an interest to use Social Bookmarking as a mean of promotion for their online business

  • My Personal Pet Peeve: Their manuals are nice and fancy however the graphic is Too “fancey” and too much. Their cute little demon is on the each page together with the thick read footer line so if you want to print the Manuals you will use Hell of the lot of the ink!
  • I understand the “Branding” idea, however since I have already Bought the software I would definitely welcome just plain simple PDF which I can print without having to refill my printer 20 times.
  • Proxies which the software gives you are not working most of the time. But that is the problem of all the software which are using ‘automatic proxies’. However if you don’t abuse the system you shouldn’t have any problems even without using the proxies. I have been using Bookmarking Demon since almost from it’s first version without proxies and it’s working.
  • Or you can use your own proxy

Quality: New version is out, it Is much more Advanced, has even 2 options: for Novices and Experts + they added Pings too, which is nice
Price: $147
Support: Yes
Affiliate Program: Yes. Including Videos

I know for a fact that Edwin, the Bookmarking Demon creator, will keep updating this to include the hottest social bookmarking sites and the ones that are the most effective to help you with your results.

Learn how to get paid to review products online:

1 comment:

  1. I am mansi, I am also a web designer and I like your blog too much the colors and themes are really nice.
    Bookmarking or social Bookmarking is one the most important pillars for SEO.
    Bookmarking Demon is one of first automated solutions for link building to be launched to the world. The simple fact that Bookmarking Demon is still going strong
    Do visit my blog bookmarking demon
